"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together."
- Vincent Van Gogh
2000 - Membership Opened to Communities

Founded by employees of what is now the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, it wasn't until 2000 that UNCLE opened up its membership outside of the Lab community. Now, anyone who lives, works, worships, or goes to school in any of the Northern California counties UNCLE serves (Alameda, Contra Costa, San Joaquin, Stanislaus), or belongs to a select local association can apply for membership.
2020 - $500 Million Milestone
Thanks to the loyal and trusting members of UNCLE Credit Union, the credit union reached 500 million dollars in assets in 2020. Hitting this milestone allowed UNCLE to become more involved in the community than ever before. For example, following this milestone, UNCLE initiated its Volunteer Time Off (VTO) program in 2021 to provide more time for UNCLE employees to give back to local communities.

Partners & Sponsorships

In addition to UNCLE employees getting the resources needed to give back to local communities through UNCLE's VTO program, the credit union continued to maintain and offer support and sponsorships to local causes that help these communities thrive. Some of the partners and sponsorships include Livermore Downtown Inc., Stockton Ports Single A Baseball Club, Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center, Livermore Lab Foundation, and Local Chambers (Livermore, Pleasanton, Tracy, Greater Stockton & Hispanic Chambers).